Sunday, September 26

Few of my poems

These poems I wrote for an Event on FB where, the words being limited to twenty and has to include one word (mentioned in CAPS) from the preceding poem, made for a great string

Jeering his GENIUS,
the "Whites" gave him many;
a snub, but scant they knew,
his find ushered their moment of epiphany
- ode to Ramanujan


Lonely lanes to venture,
bystanders leave no glance,
JUST an abandoned walking trail,
with a stranger in a strange land


This GAME brought us all together,
like subjects of the same sultanate,
alas, but not forever,
as today is the penultimate


Better be it,
that the games fail,
may it be ON the coffins of our high handedness,
the final nail


The patrols pass by,
penetrating gaze - warning by each soldier,
lest there sparks wanton panic,
staring into EYES of the beholder


Set off, jumping gun,
trusted my impish gumption,
now on a ROAD to penance,
back to a path of redemption


Nay-sayers burn with envy,
at my poetic knack and wealth,
for those found wanting,
CLAIM work for public health
- mocking a fellow participant


ROADS I build,
but not their routes,
pity they suffer from farsight,
despite dwelling and gazing atop palm shoots
- making fun of Mallus


All my detractors,
who get me fuming,
I'll come up with many a repartee,
even if I hit ground RUNNING


Like I'm drifting the backwaters,
sipping on Coconut juice,
but folks apparently FAIR,
these Kuruvillas, Matthews and Josephs confuse
- another dig at my fellow Mallu participants


Breathing sighs of relief,
thanking God a-plenty,
as I enter here; a numerate,
pray I can count to twenty


Motley FLIGHT of poets,
idioms and puns abound,
northerners, southerners, western, eastern,
wonder why I be the only Gulti around?


Once an ace,
honoured often with a shawl,
now a street-dweller,
the only BLANKET will be his shroud


FIERY head but flawless grace,
femme fatale and blissful face,
the woman of substance - for all to gaze


New year's party,
city-bred guzzled crazy,
shamefully displayed their hedonist fangs,
village-folk whet their mouths with HUNGER pangs


Our saving grace,
at a sport you ace,
star, so bright that shall shine-a,
pray glory at the 'Games, SAINA!


She bumped into a stranger,
in her dreams he changed her,
deep in his thoughts she was falling,
its when it struck - it was the CALLING


Storming the city with kalashnikovs and grenades,
taken as a prisoner of war,
he retracted when made to FACE BOOK
- on Kasab


'Saffron terror' - the pseudo PITCH,
lack of faith or pseudo-secularists - which?


Drifting up in a BALOON of hope,
he longs to ignite his yearning flame,
and lamp murky clouds, seeking love


Our lips besides one another live their own;
TODAY, they speak words otherwise unkown;
for tomorrow keep mum and forlorn